Our course is designed on a rhinoplasty simplified approach. A top to bottom aesthetic analysis will standardised your nasal examination and will have a positive effect on your learning curve. Our program will be useful, on learning track, to beginners as will as established rhinoplasty surgeon.
Several techniques have evolved in the last few years, this is confusing to young rhinoplasty surgeon and disorientation to considerable number of them can happen.
Our course will guide you to solve rhinoplasty problems in the majority of cases through our simplified approach to aesthetic analysis and to primary rhinoplasty.
Essentially, we prepared our course to lead you to develop your own judgment based on facts, and to take you through the rhinoplasty surgery step by step.
In this course, you will be able to maximise the safety of your approach based on the clinical anatomy. Also, you will learn how to do aesthetic analysis in a simple specific order, so you can create your proper surgical plan.
Multiple videos showing different simple techniques to each of the four critical items of the nose (radix, dorsum, tip, and base), with two live surgery demonstration for each step.
Whatever, you have previously attended, our course will give you the proper key to a magnificent rhinoplasty journey.